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How to Properly Clean a Government Office Building

How to Properly Clean a Government Office Building

Your government office is getting dirty and dusty, and it's time to bring in some help. The office space, bathrooms, kitchen, and hallways all require regular cleaning attention, while some areas can be sensitive security-wise, and require special accommodations. You...

How to Clean your Gym & Fitness Center

How to Clean your Gym & Fitness Center

Your clients are working out, raising their heart rates, and getting in some good exercise time using your gym equipment. The last thing they want to think about as they workout is if the equipment they are using is germy and sweaty. When they come in for a workout,...

Cleaning Checklist for your Veterinary Hospital

Cleaning Checklist for your Veterinary Hospital

Do you know the special cleaning needs of your veterinary hospital? Many dogs, cats, and other pets - not to mention owners of these pets - come through your doors every day. Along with your veterinarians and vet techs, most of your facility is going to be high...

How to Clean your Car Dealership

How to Clean your Car Dealership

Your car dealership is a mess and you can't take it any longer! You want to hire a commercial cleaning crew to keep the place clean, but where do they start to clean up and make your dealership shine? Consider this detailed list in order to convey your competence as a...

5 Things to Consider when Hiring a Cleaning Company for your Bank

5 Things to Consider when Hiring a Cleaning Company for your Bank

You may have already thought about hiring a professional janitorial company to take care of your bank's office and lobby areas. Your staff is busy and it's likely not in their job description to take care of these types of cleaning tasks in addition to their regular...

Why Hire a Commercial Cleaning Team for your School?

Why Hire a Commercial Cleaning Team for your School?

At Clean Method, we know how important it is to keep your schools clean. Whether it's during the school year, or getting a deep clean during the summer, schools can always use a good clean up. We know schools can get messy and dirty, but teachers and kids alike want...

Does Having a Cleaning Staff Boost Productivity?

Does Having a Cleaning Staff Boost Productivity?

Perhaps you've decided that you and your employees can take care of cleaning the bathrooms and office areas just fine on your own. You've made a schedule and everyone is supposed to pitch in the get the cleaning job done. But then a few weeks go by and it's just not...

5 Ways to Reduce Slips on Your Work Floors

5 Ways to Reduce Slips on Your Work Floors

There are many reasons you might get slippery floors in your office lobby, bathroom, break room, or in your warehouse. No one wants to slip and fall and, as a business owner, you want to do everything you can to minimize the chance of those events as well. We want to...

Germiest Spots at the Office

Germiest Spots at the Office

Ok, maybe we don't even want to think about it. We certainly don't want to discuss it. And, maybe we don't want to admit it! However, we need to. In order to deal with germs in the workplace and stay on top of them, we have to talk about it. We are going to tell you...

Is Restroom Cleanliness a Priority for your Business?

Is Restroom Cleanliness a Priority for your Business?

When was the last time you were in a dirty restroom? Unclean restrooms are unprofessional and a turn-off for customers as well as staff. Think of how you feel when you walk into a messy, dirty restroom - you want to walk right back out! Tidy restrooms are considered a...

Having a Cleaning Service Saves you Money

Having a Cleaning Service Saves you Money

We all know how nice it is to have a clean office and work space. We also all know it's essential to the appearance of a business. We've even discussed why it's not advantageous for you or your employees to be in charge of regularly cleanings. But, did you know that...

Have You Overlooked Some Cleaning?

Have You Overlooked Some Cleaning?

When you're on a mission to make the office spotless - whether it's a high traffic area or not - nooks and crannies can be forgotten or missed. Sometimes you don't even think about all the places where grime could be hidden. But now it's time to change that! Check out...

What to Clean if Preventing Illness is your Goal

What to Clean if Preventing Illness is your Goal

You may run a daycare, car dealership, retail store, or an office. Chances are, if you are a business owner or property manager, you understand that more people in and out of your space every day means more germs. On top of hoping most people practice good hygiene...

Spring Floor Maintenance Tips

Spring Floor Maintenance Tips

Spring is lovely and beautiful, warm and happy. It's a time to be outside, and enjoy riding bikes and long walks after work. Spring also tends to be slushy, wet, and messy. There might still be a few snow falls, but more likely, rain showers this time of year. So,...

6 Ways to Clean Up After an Office Party

6 Ways to Clean Up After an Office Party

Holiday parties aren't just at the end of the year; they come around for all types of office occasions like birthdays and company anniversaries, a retirement party, holiday pot lucks, or even celebrating a team victory. There are lots of reasons to celebrate, and...

3 Reasons to Spring Clean Your Windows

3 Reasons to Spring Clean Your Windows

We've talked before about all the benefits of cleaning your windows regularly. In fact, we've even stated that your windows need a quarterly deep clean. Spring makes for an excellent time to clean your windows in order to get ready for all the gorgeous days ahead....

How to Spring (Break) Clean Your School

How to Spring (Break) Clean Your School

Schools take a beating given the number of people who move through one in a day. And that's in addition to art projects and class parties, missing the garbage can, "accidentally" coloring on the walls, and even getting sick. Spring Break is a great time to get in...

4 Reasons a Janitorial Service is Right for Your Church

4 Reasons a Janitorial Service is Right for Your Church

Your church is a robust, thriving community. In addition to regular worship, your church likely hosts baptisms and weddings, pancake breakfasts and fundraisers, holiday gatherings and even funerals. With all that activity comes people, and with people, unfortunately,...

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Office interior with large glass windows clean