Spring is lovely and beautiful, warm and happy. It’s a time to be outside, and enjoy riding bikes and long walks after work. Spring also tends to be slushy, wet, and messy. There might still be a few snow falls, but more likely, rain showers this time of year. So, while spring is a time to celebrate for warmer, sunnier weather ahead, it’s also a time of wet feet, boots, and dirty floors! How do you keep your office floors from getting out of hand so you can forget about the trouble and enjoy the warmer weather? Here are 5 spring floor maintenance tips.
Spring Floor Maintenance Tips
- First, you want to consider some floor rugs and mats. You can purchase some rubber backed mats yourself at your home decor or home improvement store, or you can have a service bring some. They will pick them up on a schedule so they always look fresh and clean. Put your rugs and mats in high traffic areas – especially by outside entrance doors so customers and employees can easily wipe their wet, slushy shoes when entering.
- Second, think about having a broom and maybe a snow shovel (still) near the front door. It’s easy to sweep up the last bits of de-icing salt from the sidewalk and stairs to help from tracking it in your place of business. It’s also helpful to sweep daily, just to stay on top of the mess.
- Next, you might want to get a shoe tray for the wet rain boots in order to keep the water contained in one place.
- Place an umbrella stand near the front door; this is the season for rain showers and a stand will help keep everything organized and neat.
- After that, a mop nearby is handy. All the little puddles can be a hazard; make sure to keep them cleaned up or hire a day porter to handle that for you.
Let’s Get Your Floors Ready for Spring
We always look forward to spring time. The sun is out and the birds are singing – what’s not to love (besides the floor clean up)?! If you’re in need of floor care or other commercial cleaning help, make sure to call us to keep your business tidy and clean for you during the spring and all times of the year. You can contact us online or call us at 571.451.0441 for answers to your questions.